Unique Opportunity to Train at the Spanish National Training Center in Sevilla

June 21 to July 5

A European Rowing Adventure - A once in a lifetime experience. A unique experience to be immersed in a German School and in a traditional German activity, Rowing.

July 5 to July 19


France - Row in Lac D’Annecy

An alps lake with a beautiful rustic boathouse and daily adventures in the Alps.

Here is what parents and athletes are saying about Row Abroad

I need to thank you so so much for an incredible trip to Spain. I had a wonderful time and the experience was invaluable. This was an experience I will never forget. I am now a great technical rower and have the confidence to technically row in any boat next year.
— Athlete who rowed on the national team the following year
“I loved the Germany trip. It made the summer one of the best of my life. It was great having fun with the team and getting to know new people and a new culture.”
— Annie, 16, from Piedmont
“Rowing abroad in Germany formed a special bond with my teammates who were there and helped me become more open with other people.”
— Isabelle D.
As a parent, I was thrilled to catch a glimpse of the German culture, which would not have otherwise been on our travel itinerary. It was great fun spending time in Germany when handing off our teenager to Row Abroad. She had a fantastic time learning about history and German culture first hand. Her experiences dovetailed with 10th grade Modern World History. My daughter’s host family was wonderful and welcoming. She is still in touch with them. She loved getting to know the German rowers and forming deep friendships with them and the other Americans on the trip. Rowing with the Germans was a great life experience that I’m sure she will remember forever. Thank you so much for providing the row abroad opportunity! It was so worthwhile!
— Parent of Athlete 2014
My child went to Europe an unmotivated child and returned with maturity and confidence and the motivation to succeed in School. The life lessons learned from traveling abroad are unimaginable.
— Parent of a child on German Exchange